How To Keep Urine Warm For Drug Test? [90-102 F]

Ever heard that warm beer tastes like piss? Well, when it comes to drug testing, that’s exactly what you want: pee that feels, tastes, smells and has the same temperatures as natural urine from a human body should have.

The only problem is that the moment urine leaves our body, it starts to cool down (unless you’re in Texas in a 120-degree heatwave). And the first thing the lab tech conducting a drug test of your urine is going to notice is ice-cold urine.

Obviously, we need to learn how to keep urine warm for a drug test if we ever want to pass the lab tech’s temperature check.

We’ll cover 3 best ways of how to keep the temperature of urine high enough to pass a drug test without problems. In the end, I’ll also give you some tips on how to smuggle warm clean urine or, even better, synthetic urine when that dreaded drug test comes along.

The most recommended way to keep your pee warm is the #3 Method (see below). It’s also the most natural one and helps you bring the urine to the drug testing facility the easiest.

What Temperature Should Urine Have To Pass A Drug Test?

Your urine sample should be warm enough for the lab tech to say ‘Hey, that just came out of a human being’. Every lab trains their techs to detect odd urine temperature.

Even the most untrained fool will notice if your urine sample is too hot or too cold.

Too hot means that you’ve left the urine too long in the microwave and too cold means that you obviously didn’t give your own fresh urine (you used synthetic urine, friend’s urine or your own refrigerated urine you’ve been keeping next to milk and eggs for just such an occurrence).

what pissing hot means on a drug test
Too hot urine is usually the result of microwaving urine for too long.

The result, in either case, is the same. The urine sample is not valid because it’s not of adequate temperature.

So before we go over the methods of how to keep urine warm enough for a drug test, let’s answer what should that ideal urine temperature be.

In short, the most optimal temperature of a urine drug test sample is 90-102 degrees Fahrenheit.

That’s not too cold, not too hot, it feels just right and natural.

Alright, here are the best 3 methods of how to prevent the temperature of your urine to fall out of the optimum interval prior to a drug test:

#1 Method: Use Hand Warmers (The Most Questionable One)

I always love how easy keeping urine sounds when somebody brings out the hand warmers.

“You use hand warmers, bro. It’ll keep urine nice and warm.”

Well, will it though?

Hard warmers do keep your pee warm, are cheap and do seem like they can handle the task. They can but you’re really taking a gamble if you think using hand warmers to keep the urine was is a fool-proof system.

The problem that you will always have with hand warmers is that you can never know if the urine that you’re warming up is too hot. I mean, how many times have you physically touched your pee with your hand just to casually try out how that warmth feels?

Can you tell the difference between 100 F urine and 110 F urine?

The lab techs are specially trained to notice that difference but they’re handling cups full of pee all day long. Your hands, however, are not a thermometer.

Don’t get me wrong. You can say that using hand warmers is the best way to keep urine warm but the reality is that if you manage to pass the urine as geniuine it’s not because you’ve nailed down the keeping-pee-warm system.

More often than not, it’s luck.

And when it comes to passing a drug test, you really don’t want to be pressing your luck.

It’s also the most obvious trick to keep your urine warm and the labs bloody well know it.

#2 Method: Just Microwave It For 10 Minutes (Or Maybe Just Don’t?)

Here’s how this scenario of getting your urine up to the temperature and keeping it warm enough to pass a drug test goes:

  1. Put synthetic urine or your urine in the microwave for 10 seconds.
  2. Take it out and present it as urine drug sample in less than 1 hour (or it’ll get too cold).

Whenever I come across this urine warming method, I have so many questions. Like what should the power setting of the microwave be? Or what if there is a waiting line in the lab and it takes more than 1 hours before I can turn in my pee? How do I actually know that the urine is still is the 90-102F temperature zone?

Look at all these microwave settings:

using microwave as a method of how to keep urine temperature constant for a drug test

As far as I can see it, the microwave is a useful way to heat up the urine but as far as keeping urine warm is concerned, I don’t see the point.

You can’t really tell if the urine you have on you is warm enough. The only thing you have racing in your mind is that you have to be in there proving this urine you’re carrying around in under an hour.

That’s quite stressful and the last thing you want lab people to read of your face is the sense of sheer panic because of the ticking time bomb.

All in all, the microwave method is good for heating your piss up to the right temperature but not really for constantly keeping it at that temperature interval.

#3 Method: Using Your Own Body Heat (The Most Natural And Fool-Proof Way)

In the end, you can realize that the best way to keep your urine warm for a drug test is by keeping it close to your body.

The urine you’ll submit must have body temperature. And lo and behold! Your body has exactly that right temperature. As a matter of fact, it’s literally called your BODY temperature.

Here are a few points in the right direction because hugging a cup of your urine won’t really cut it:

  1. Stick warmed up urine close to your body – underarm, under the boob, in the crutch, taped to a thigh – for at least 1 hour. That’ll bring the temperature as close as possible to that perfect body temperature.
  2. Use a bag that will closely fit your body. Plastic cup won’t heat up next to your thigh and it will stick out like a sore thumb. Get a flexible bag, if possible.
  3. Even better, buy a specialized incognito kit. The ones that already have 100% clean synthetic urine are the best. Here is the best kit that goes over your stomach (it’s like having a real beer belly).

Keeping your urine warm in a natural way can be a bit tricky at first. Strap the urine pouch on yourself and walk around a bit, just to get the feel of it. You’ll be less awkward when you show up for a drug test. Just don’t be scared; these guys don’t tap you down like TSA.

For everybody asking, here is how the incognito belt looks like:

best way how to keep temperature of urine high enough to pass a drug test
Incognito belt; you get the synthetic urine, heat pads to heat it up, temperature scale and that neat pouch so you can strap it on yourself and carry it around like your own ‘beer belly’.

Basically, it already comes prefilled with the best synthetic urine and you strap it on like a belt (girls prefer to put it just under the boobs). You can order incognito belt hassle-free here and you’ll get in about 2 days or less.

If you don’t have 2 days or would like to DIY your incognito kit, do make sure that there is a large surface area of your bag being in contact with your skin. That will help the heat transfer to keep the urine warm enough to pass a drug test.

Should You Keep Natural Or Synthetic Urine In Your Stash?

When you’re looking for clean urine, you usually ask a friend who you know is clean or just buy the synthetic urine online.

There’s always this question of which one is better – friend’s urine or synthetic urine. If you’re trying to keep them warm, there is literally no difference and you can choose either one.

The problem only occurs because your friend’s urine might be stale and smell like old urine. On the other hand, synthetic urine can be as much as $100 and you have to wait for the shipping for about 2 days. You can check the comparison of best synthetic urine kits here.

In the end, we all want to pass a drug test without having a hassle over it and I really do hope that knowing using your body heat to keep the urine at constant body temperature has helped somebody out there out of a jam.

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