How To Get Weed Out Of Your System? (3 Options)

Most of us start wondering how to get weed out of your system fast when a THC drug test is just behind the corner. Such tests are usually for employment – and we’re all well aware that we will lose our job if we get caught.

Now, employers usually give us a notice when the weed drug test will take place. That might be a month in advance, a week (most common) or even ‘hey, you have a drug test tomorrow, report to this and this doctor’.

3 Ways of How To Get Weed Out Of Your System

There are basically 3 ways of how to get weed out of your system:

  1. Wait it out (app. 1 month). The body flushes the weed out by itself but it can take ages (and you don’t have the luxury to wait that long because your job is on a line).
  2. Do a THC detox (app. 5-7 days). You put your metabolism (that eliminates weed) into hyperdrive with detox products (drinks, tablets, dietary fibers).
  3. Use fake urine (1 day). This is solemnly to pass a urine drug test – an option when you’re truly desperate. Get some clean urine from a friend or buy a synthetic urine. The point is not to lose your job.

Why would you wonder how to get weed out of your system fast? Because more than half (59%) who are caught on urine drug tests are THC-positive (and get fired in 80% of cases).

This needn’t happen, especially as there are ways to get weed of your system and it’s not all that hard.

Here’s the quick summary of how to get weed out of your system, we’ll go into a bit more details later on.

How To Get Weed Out Of Your System In 1 Day, 1 Week Or 1 Month

When Is The Drug Test?How To Get Rid of Weed Till Then?What To Get It?Suggested products:Avg. Review of Suggested Product:
1 Month AwayBody Will Do It By ItselfDrink plenty of water, the body will do the rest.5-Day Detox
Best marijuana detox (with pre-rid pills, detox liquid and dietary fibers).
5 out of 5 stars
1 Week AwayTHC DetoxHeavy Users: 5-Day Detox
Moderate Users: 3-Day Detox
1-time Smoker: Water, Sports, Healthy Diet
3-Day Detox
3 day toxin rid detox reviews
5 out of 5 stars
1 Day AwayFake Urine1. Get clean urine from a trusted friend (who is clean), OR...
2. Get synthetitic urine.
Synthetic Urine Comparison:
synthetic urine on sale
Best synthetic urine: 4 out of 5 stars

Timing Is Everything When You Want To Get Marijuana Out Of Your System

The only question when you’re wondering how to get marijuana out of your system is WHEN you have a drug test:

Drug test next month? 

No problem, just wait it out. As you see in the graph below, after 30 days, there is less than 5% probability that you will be caught on a drug test (if you want to guarantee to pass, just do a 5-day detox – will explain later on).

More than 50% of people are still THC positive within 10 days after last joint.

Do you have a drug test next week and you’re wondering how to get weed out of your system fast?

In the first 10 days after the last joint, the chances of getting caught are about 50:50. You can take your chances, or you can do a 5-day detox (for heavy users) or 3-day detox (moderate users) and pass a THC urine drug test without a problem. You can get the 5-day detox here (with overnight shipping).

How to get weed out of your system in 24 hours?

Well, if you only have a day or two before the weed test, you can’t get the weed out of your system. Not even the near-toxic diarrhea-sh*tstorm detoxes work that fast. However, you can still pass a urine drug test by getting fake pee. From your friend or getting a synthetic urine. You can read more about weed detox here.

Oh, rule #1 is to stop smoking weed (fairly obvious, right?). Well, you don’t even have to do stop if you get a clear urine or synthetic urine anyway.

#1 Option – Wait It Out (THC elimination study)

The science about how to get weed out of your system is pretty much known via THC elimination studies. You can go into a bit of scientific reading in an article published in the Journal of Analytical Toxicology here. They basically studied 60 weed smokers who smoked 10 joints per week in the last 10 years.

study of the elimination times
Source: Journal of Analytical Toxicology, 2009, at

As you see, if you give a body 1 month, it pretty much knows how to eliminate THC out of your system.

However, the reality is that very few employers will give a 1-month notice for a drug test. Usually, you get a 1-week notice. Nonetheless, if you have a great boss that will give you heads up 1-month in advance, here is your step-by-step plan:

  1. Stop smoking weed for the next 30 days.
  2. The body will eliminate the weed out of your system by itself.

#2 Option – Weed Detox (most common)

More than 80% of employees will give you about a week notice for a urine drug test. This is not enough time for the body itself to eliminate all the THC but you can help your body with a detox.

It basically comes down to stop smoking weed and picking the best weed detox drink/tablets out there.

Stop smoking weed for a week can be difficult but not impossible, even for a heavy user. Picking out the detox drinks is another thing: you can buy anything from a niacin-bomb drink that might be harmful to ‘detox drinks’ that more resemble smoothies than detox drinks.

There are lots of advice about which THC detox works best over the internet, and I’ve summoned all the BS that is posted (and actual advice on how to get weed out of your system fast) in an article about THC detox.

Basically, yes, you have detox drinks and niacin-detox pills and dietary fibers to choose from; but me – I don’t like to take chances and the best way to get weed out of my system in a week is the Toxin Rid formula. Why?

Because it combines all 3:

  • Detox drinks
  • Detox pills AND…
  • … Dietary fibers

It pretty much the only thing that I found (myself and asking people on the street) that works consistently.

It is also no wonder that this 3-in-1 formula is the most commonly used for weed detox. Here is your plan:

Are you a moderate user (2-6 joints per week)?  3-day detox should be enough. You can get the 3-Day Toxin Rid here.

Which Toxin Rid to use?3 Day Detox Rid
3 day toxin rid detox reviews
5 Day Toxin Rid
toxin rid 5 day detox reviews
10 Day Toxin Rid
10 day toxin rid reviews
What you get:- 45 pre-rid pills
- Detox liquid
- Dietary fibers
- 75 pre-rid pills
- Detox liquid
- Dietary fibers
- 150 pre-rid pills
- Detox liquid
- Dietary fibers
Appropriate for:'I just smoked once' guysModerate smokersHeavy smokers
Avg. rating:★★★★★★★★★★★★★★
Where to buy?
Check PriceCheck PriceCheck Price

A heavy user? You should look into 5- or 7-days detox (depending on how heavy user you are). Here’s the link to 5-Day Toxin Rid.

For a one-time user? I would presume that 1 joint will not register you as ‘THC positive’ on a drug test if you drink a lot of water and do some moderate sports for 1 week and are consistent with your healthy diet. Some detox drink such as QCarbo16 can’t hurt.

#3 Option – Fake Urine (yes, you don’t stop smoking)

How to get weed out of your system in 24 hours? Unfortunately, nothing will do that. When you have to take a drug test in a day or so, you really can’t detox.

You can risk it, of course. Chances are that you won’t get caught if you smoked 1 joint. However, if you’re a regular user, you do know what kind of mess will come from being tested positive for weed.

The solution here is fake urine. The best thing is to call a friend who you can trust and know for sure that has clear urine. Let him or her just give you his piss and you can take it with you on a drug test – just remember to preheat it to body temperature before you go to your drug test appointment.

However, if all your trusted friends are stoners like mine, you can still get a synthetic urine. Synthetic urine is what they use for calibrating urine drug tests – a laboratory-made solution that resembles urine (but doesn’t contain any drugs, of course). I always go for actually the real urine – you get it powdered and just add water.

You can find the best performing Sub-Solution synthetic urine here (best quality but pricey) and here is the real powdered urine (which is in other words ‘clean urine’).

Just Let The Weed Out Of Your System On Your Own Terms

I hope we’ve learned that our body is a fairly good system and knows exactly how to get weed out of your system. Unfortunately, it works too slow. A month or so.

That’s why we have THC detoxes (1 week) and synthetic urine (1 day) to help us out when we need to pass a drug test.

Both might be a bit costly, and using synthetic urine feels like being a con artist a bit, but let me assure you – it’s still better than testing positive and losing a job or not getting a job you interviewed for.

Also, if you have experience with how to get weed out of your system fast or in a week, you can comment below to help other people looking to clean weed out of their systems as well.

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